This section describes using Datagraph-med to verify existing and to create new nomograms as well as to generate reports of missing follow ups and future treatments.
Since version 4.0 we have a 'Advanced Nomogram Tool' which uses multi-parametric regression analysis to generate a set of 10 coefficients based on your existing pre and postoperative data. The advantage of this new tool is a more complex regression formula which includes a cylinder cross coupling term, taking into account the effect of cylinder cross coupling on the spherical outcome.
Disadvantage is that like for any more complex regression formula a sufficient amount of data points are required in order to achieve meaningful results. We therefore require a minimum number of 50 eyes or more.
Important! Due to the complexity of data entry, analysis steps and programming we can not guarantee for a proper function. So you have to be aware of the risk of software errors and accept to use Datagraph-med and its nomogram features entirely on your own responsibility. No claims shall be made against Ingenieurbüro Pieger GmbH, its employees, programmers or distributors whenever it comes to patient claims because of bad results. In any case - contact your laser manufacturer or IOL supplier before making any changes to your nomograms or A constants!
To start using the nomogram verification tool first you have to read and accept the text of following pop up screens.
Our nomogram tool is not suitable for mixed astigmatism! Eyes treated as mixed astigmatism need to be excluded from your dataset when making nomograms. (Future updates of Datagraph-med may have special tools for mixed astigmatism)