Datagraph-med creates 'MS-Graph Objects' and all graphs still can be modified after they have been exported to MS Word or MS PowerPoint.
For example you could change X and Y axis scales of scatter plots to show a smaller or wider range of refraction. You can change or add text labels or select a different color style. On over time graphs you may want to remove certain follow up points where only a small number of data is available. All this is possible after exporting graphs to their final application.
To do this simply double click on the graph from within the actual used program to activate the MS Graph editor. Click on any of the elements you want to change and change values on the sub menus. See MS Graph help for more details.
MS Graph Editor view when called from within PowerPoint
Note: Starting with MS Office version 12 ('Office 2007') MS graph objects can be converted to a new format. We recommend not to do this and select the 'keep format' option when prompted.